The Green Shift - Cover image
The Green Shift - Cover image

The Green Shift

Making sustainability your biggest business opportunity.

Consumer awareness is booming, new green legislations are changing the rules of the game, and investments are shifting. While some still see sustainability as an obstacle for growth, others are already embracing it, transforming their business and out-performing competition. It’s time to move beyond CSR and turn sustainability into a unique business opportunity. 

Through leveraging sustainability and connecting it to the core of your company’s strategy, you can:

  • Increase your brand value
  • Improve sales and consumer loyalty
  • Spark new business growth
  • Attract the best talent
  • Improve your resilience
  • Accelerate shareholder value

Making Sustainability Actionable and Desirable

Our Offering

Seizing these sustainable opportunities is complex. It requires transforming how you operate and innovate, from vision and positioning, all the way to products, customer experience and communication. At NoA we can help you bridge and connect these gaps, creating and accelerating new sustainable growth. Not by transforming all at once, but by identifying the most impactful opportunities first. An ambitious, agile and pragmatic approach, to reduce risk and ensure long term value creation.

Identify your most impactful sustainability initiatives

Unlocking sustainable opportunities means making it tangible and actionable to your context and your organisation. By combining insights and data on trends, emerging technologies and consumer behaviour with your business reality, we'll help you create a clear and engaging roadmap for change.

Innovate, pilot and build sustainable concepts and services

While commitments inspire action, the impact happens when we translate strategy into real life services and human experiences. This is the core of what we do best at NoA; turning lofty ambitions into brilliantly crafted and impactful solutions. By connecting data with design, technology and communication we'll help you create and bring new solutions to market in a fast and efficient way.

Develop, launch and scale circular business models

Circularity will play a vital role in making the world more sustainable, ensuring that we use our joint resources in a responsible way through sharing platforms, products-as-a-service models, product life extensions and efficient recycling (or even upcycling). We'll help you understand how to embrace circularity, and accelerate new growth with circular business models that are desirable and viable.

Tell the world what you do, and where you're heading

Sharing your commitments to sustainability is a great start, but communicating in an authentic way about your progress, your shortcomings and your key initiatives will build awareness, trust and loyalty. We connect positioning with communication to help you cut through the noise, and make your voice the most attractive and unique out there.