Through the world’s largest connecting tattoo, The World Piece, strangers from all over the globe offered their bodies as a canvas to send a message to the world: The world can’t fall apart if we dare to connect.
The global travel search site momondo have a vision of a world, where our differences are a source of inspiration not intolerance and prejudice. So, when their latest study “The Value of Traveling” showed that 1 out of 2 believe that people are less tolerant towards other cultures than 5 years ago, momondo believed it was time to take action.
Nowadays we tend to identify ourselves with smaller and smaller tribes which reinforce intolerance and prejudice. We wanted to reverse that to remind people that we all belong to one tribe: The Human Beings.
We challenged people from all over the world to come closer together through the world’s biggest cohesive tattoo showing that we’re all connected despite nationality, religion and skin colour.
6,500 applications for the project, +100 million Views, 2.89 billion OTS, +839,000 social engagements, +1.24 billion reach, +13,900 entries for competition, 30% organic distribution, $ 32.6 million Media value, $ 27 million Media ROI.
But The World Piece is more than just a campaign - it is a lifelong commitment where each participant will carry the proof of global connections and friendship and inspire the people they meet along the way. That's the real value of The World Piece.